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Vic Sahai - Federal Candidate

Kingston and the Islands

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Vic Sahai for Kingston and the Islands

Vic is a public health scientist. He’s built diverse teams and led with vision for 30 years, helping Kingstonians and others live healthier lives. He acts based on evidence, and knows how to get us out of a pandemic. We need him in Parliament now. Vic will fight for a fairer and more sustainable future for everyone.

Vic’s ancestors left India for Guyana as indentured labourers. He is passionate about Indigenous rights and worked closely with Indigenous communities in Canada’s north for years. He understands the history of colonialism that Canadians must address to achieve real change and true reconciliation.

Vic’s parents came to Canada when he was 9 years old. They worked hard to make a life for their family in Thunder Bay, and to help contribute to and build an open and caring Canada where everyone is welcome. Vic will promote refugee and immigration policies that will help build the tax base and an inclusive, multicultural nation.

Vic studied at Queen’s University in the 1980s and returned with his family in 2007 to work in public health as a Queen’s professor and research director at Hotel Dieu. He has 30 years of senior management experience, focusing on strategic planning, policy development, public health research, and epidemiology.

Vic has worked as a fundraiser on previous NDP campaigns and is the Federal Vice-President of the Kingston and the Islands NDP. He has volunteered and sat on boards with HIV/AIDS Access Sudbury, Heart Health, Run for the Cure and he helped the community work towards establishing the Northern Ontario School of Medicine

Vic is the Member of Parliament that Kingston needs to work our way out of a pandemic and plan for a more socially just and sustainable future.

Andrew McCann, Environmental Activist and NDP Organizer, Kingston

Digging out the root causes of poor health (the social determinants of health) has been Vic’s passion – tackling poverty, inequality, racism, environmental pollution, and climate change. Vic envisions a transition to a sustainable future with good, union jobs for future generations. He will work for the social programs we need: universal childcare, national pharmacare, better homecare, affordable housing, and a guaranteed living income for all Canadians.

As an environmental activist in the 1990s, Vic wrote a report on child asthma rates that helped him and the Sudbury Air Quality Committee have shutdowns imposed on the Inco-Falconbridge Superstack until rates of air pollution were brought under control. High levels of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide were harming people and acidifying the environment. Vic helped lead the campaign to curb emissions. He will continue the fight against pollution and climate change, with policies favouring green energy, active transport, smart city design, local food, and dramatic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions across the economy.

The Liberals have failed Canada. From Trudeau down to Gerretsen, they say the right things and then do very little to make the changes people need.

Scandal after scandal – from Brownface, SNC-Lavalin, and the WE Charity, to the Aga Kahn’s yacht. False promises on childcare and pharmacare. Grave mistakes, like buying oil pipelines and relying on a massive deal for vaccines with Chinese suppliers amidst a feud over the detainment of the CEO of Huawei, at the behest of Donald Trump. This was foolish. The deal fell apart and delayed our vaccine roll out by months, putting millions of Canadians at risk. Many paid with their lives.

Vic is a very different candidate from Mark Gerretsen. Mark has a mediocre Liberal track record, enabling a regime marred by corruption. Vic has the experience and work ethic that can lead the NDP to win federally in Kingston, building upon our provincial success here.

We cannot look to the past for solutions. We must be innovative. In word and deed we must show – as Vic has his entire life – that we can make a difference on issues that are important to Kingstonians, like climate change, a guaranteed living income, taxes on the super-rich, and social programs for people in need. Vic gets things done and done well. He will fight for the people of Kingston and Canada.

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Want to Volunteer? We are looking for people to help with Phone Canvassing, Putting up Signs, Dropping Literature (without knocking), and office work. Fill out the form below to let us know how you would like to help!

Vic Sahai, Federal NDP Candidate


Andrew McCann, Campaign Manager